Posted in Environment, Events, General, Science

Earth Day

Earth Day is always on 22nd April. It is short for International Mother Earth Day.The idea behind it is obvious: save the world and support the environment. The official theme for 2022 is “Invest in our Planet”.

History of Earth Day

Since 1970, 150 countries worldwide celebrate our Earth and want to draw attention to environmental issues. 

Who invented Earth Day?

The American John McConnel suggested it in a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. it was the UN Secretary General at the time, who proclaimed it as a worldwide day of action for environmental protection in 1970.

Why exactly is Earth Day on 22nd April?

Actually, this special day should be celebrated at the beginning of spring – just like John McConnel recommended – but in the end it was decided that Earth Day should mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

by Muster Pia, 5bw