Posted in DIY, Recipes

Recipe for Hot Chocolate

This is an easy and delicious recipe to make hot chocolate. Warm up your winter days with this super-simple and tasty, homemade drink! Let’s get started. 


– 2 cups of milk 

– 1/2 cup of cream (if you have it) 

– 1/3 cup of cocoa powder 

– 1/2 cup of sugar 

– 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

– A tiny pinch of salt 

– Whipped cream, chocolate chips, or marshmallows for topping (if you like) 


1. Mix dry ingredients together: put the cocoa powder, sugar, and a tiny bit of salt into a bowl. Mix them up well. 

2. Warm up the milk and cream: pour the milk (and cream) into a pot. Heat it up on the stove until it’s almost boiling. Give it a stir now and then. 

3. Add dry mixture: slowly pour the mixed-up cocoa powder and sugar into the warm milk. Keep stirring, so it gets all smooth and yummy. 

4. Add vanilla magic: add the vanilla extract and give it a good stir. That’s what makes it extra tasty. 

6. Enjoy: pour your hot chocolate into your favorite mug. This will smell fantastic! 

7. Extra yum (if you want): want to make it even fancier? Put some whipped cream, chocolate chips, or marshmallows on top. This is like a tasty decoration! 

8. Take a Sip: find a comfy spot, hold your warm mug, and take a sip. Mmm, the hot chocolate will make you happy. 

Tips to make your hot drink special:

– Try different chocolates – dark or milk – to see which one you like best. 

– Want a little kick? Add some cinnamon or chili powder. 

– No milk? No problem! You can use almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk instead. 

Now why don’t you give this easy recipe a try? You will enjoy every sip of your hot chocolate.  

by Labugger Regina, 7ck