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Dream Symbols and their Meaning

  1. Being chased: 
  • According to the author Lauri Loewenberg and other experts, if you dream about being chased by someone, it means that you avoid a problem or a difficult decision in real life.  
  • So don’t run away from your fears, chase your dreams and your nightmares will stop chasing you! 
  1. Flying: 
  • This represents the desire to gain freedom, and it represents the feeling of overcoming obstacles or the need to escape from something in real life. 
  • However, it could also indicate the possible start of something new and fresh. 
  1. Death: 
  • The death of someone or something in your dream indicates a change, the closing of a chapter or the end of the life you know. 
  • Some people claim that the person dying in your dream will live a longer life. 
  1. Being naked: 
  • If you dream about being naked, you fear that your insecurities, weaknesses or something personal might get revealed. 
  1. Falling: 
  • Dreams about falling can reflect the feeling that your life is out of control. This might also feel like abandoning a personal relationship. 
  • Managing your stress levels could lead to less frightening dreams.  
  1. Losing teeth: 
  • Different variations of dreams of teeth falling out can indicate an anxious mind. There may be something in your real life that you need to deal with. This may be about losing control or losing something valuable. 
  1. Babies: 
  • Babies in dreams represent new beginings, potential and aspects of your personality that are in the early stages of development. 
  • Another explanation would be that they are a sign for the desire to grow or the need to discover trapped potential in your life.
  1. Drowning: 
  • Drowning in water can be a sign that you feel overwhelmed or powerless in a situation.  
  • It can also be an indication that you are having difficulty dealing with your feelings (for example, if you are going through a difficult time in your life). 
  1. Being late: 
  • If you dream about being late, this usually means that you are afraid of failure, that you are overwhelmed or lack control in your life. 
  • It might also stand for the fear of missing out on opportunities or not meeting expectations. 

by Puntigam Nicole, 6dk