Posted in Creativity, DIY

DIY Summer Ideas 

Tie-Dye T-shirts: 

  • For the pattern tie parts of the garment to shield it from the dye. 
  • Use different colours and techniques to create unique, vibrant T-shirt designs. 
  • If you don’t want to buy fabric colours, just use beet, avocado peels, onion skins, coffee or turmeric to dye fabrics. 

Home made bath bombs: 

  • Mix baking soda, citric acid, and essential oils to make fizzy, fragrant bath bombs. 

Friendship bracelets: 

  • Create intricate bracelets using different types of threads and weaving techniques. 
  • They are an awesome gift for friends and are great fun to produce. 

Photo collage: 

  • Gather photos of your favorite moments of this summer and arrange them on a canvas or poster board to capture the best summer memories. 

Scrapbook journals: 

  • If only making photos is too boring for you, then you should make a journal to document your daily activities, trips and thoughts. 

Paint a flower pot: 

  • This is a nice way to give your garden a personal touch. 
  • After you are done, you could even plant your favourite flower in them. 

Create your personal board game: 

  • You could recreate, for example, a Harry Potter monopoly; if you are even more creative, design a completely new game. 

by Puntigam Nicole, 6dk