Posted in Entertainment


  • Aries (from 21st March to 20th April)

Be careful! If you see something this week, it will give you the creeps.

The scariest day of the week is Friday.

  • Taurus (from 21st April to 20th May)

Look out! An Aries will give you the fright of your life this week.

The scariest day of the week is Wednesday.

  • Gemini (from 21st May to 21st June)

Look around! A person you do not fancy at all has a crush on you and wants to kiss you.

The scariest day of the week is Thursday.

  • Cancer (from 22nd June to 22nd July)

Just watch out! A Virgo reveals something about you that you do not want others to know.

The scariest day of the week is Sunday.

  • Leo (from 23rd July to 23rd August)

Trouble ahead! A faulty alarm clock will get you into real trouble this week.

The scariest day of the week is Monday.

  • Virgo (from 24th August to 23rd September)

Watch it! You will be caught doing something you are not supposed to do.

The scariest day of the week is Thursday.

  • Libra (from 24th September to 23rd October)

You’d better watch out! A strange film you watch this week will give you nightmares.

The scariest day of the week is Saturday.

  • Scorpio (from 24th October to 22nd November)

Mind your step! Do not talk too much behind one`s this week or you will be in trouble.

The scariest day of the week is Tuesday.

  • Sagittarius (from 23rd November to 21st December)

Take care! Do not open the door to a Gemini or you will regret it later on.

The scariest day of the week is Tuesday.

  • Capricorn (from 22nd December to 20th January)

Mind out! Something with the colour red will completely freak you out this week.

The scariest day of the week is Wednesday.

  • Aquarius (from 21st January to 19th February)

Terrible! You are ordered to do something you absolutely hate doing.

The scariest day of the week is Sunday.

  • Pisces (from 20th February to 20th March)

Watch out! Something you find in a dark corner of your home will make you scream.

The scariest day of the week is Monday.


by Fink Johannes, 5dk